Combined Fighting Systems provides specialty programs, workshops, and training for health care, law enforcement, security officers, and other specialty groups.
Specialty training is designed by determining each groups needs and developing safe and effective training programs.
Safety for the learner is one of the most important components of effective training. All learning is done in a controlled environment that provides high repetition to maximize each student’s learning and minimize injury.
We provide the following specialty programs, workshops, and training:
- Security Officer Compliance and Control Training (SOCCT)
- Crisis Management for Law Enforcement or Security Officers | “Introduction to Managing Blunt Weapons to Edged Weapons
- Crisis – Violent Patients
- Women’s Self Defense
To view current classes click on the link: Combined Fighting Systems Current Classes
Seminars and workshops are also available for general martial art topics from stick to knife to empty hand. For more information about classes, specialty training, or seminars, contact Shawn McCarthy at [email protected] or call 715-644-8583.